The wish list feature saves time on the first day of registration by allowing you to search for programs in advance and save them in your wish list.  Please note that you are saving only the activity in your wish list, not actual slots in the activity, so this does not guarantee a spot in a program.  If you want to register two children for the same program, save the program in your wish list.  When registration opens, start by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button from the wish list, and then selecting the first child (participant).  Once this spot is in your shopping cart, you can click on "Add Another Participant" to select your second child for this same class.

To get a better understanding of this process, view the 
screen shots listed below.

Creating your wish list in advance of registration will save you time on that first day, which gives you a better chance of getting a spot in a program that may fill up quickly.

Important Notes:

  • Items remain in your wish list from previous seasons.  If you don’t have a need for activities from past seasons, delete them from your wish list to make it easier to choose the activities you want to focus on for this season’s registration. Activities drop off the wish list automatically after they are over.
  • A countdown clock will appear on the morning registration opens in the minutes leading up to the 9:00am registration start time. It will change to an "Add to Cart" button at 9:00am.

Review the following screen shots to better understand the wish list feature and how it works: